Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Brownies and Dating....Part 1

Well, you probably thought that Maddy and I died or something since the last post was dated February and this one's dated as June! Well, don't blame Maddy, this one's all me. Maddy, along with the rest of you, sat waiting patiently for me to hurry up and post something. My excuse for taking so long? Umm.. life happened. I was born and it's just been one thing after another since then. Okay, excuses aside, I simply let time get away from me. Sorry to all of you and thanks to anyone who faithfully has checked for any new posts! Well, with apologies out of the way, let's head on to the next post of He Holds the Key:

It looks so good. It smells so good. You wanna reach out and take a bite....

But (don't you just love that word?) you shouldn't have any brownies right now. You are

overweight and on a diet (don't panic, this is not you personally, use your imagination!) You stare at them. They look so good!

I'm not gonna eat 'em. I'm not gonna eat 'em. You tell yourself sternly.

Hold up! Rewind! Did you catch the problem with this picture? Aside from the fact that it's making me (and probably you) want to head over to the pantry and grab something chocolate, what's wrong with this scenario? Not sure? Hmmm.. Let's make it a little more relevant....

You're in line for a roller coaster ride at your favorite theme park. There's a... um... couple in front of you. Their arms are wrapped around each other and they're whispering into each other's ears, smiling and giggling. Then things start to get a little passionate. The kissing, cuddling and whispering is getting a little more intense as the couple remains oblivious to anything but each other.

The worst part about all this? The fact that it looks so good! It's everything you've ever wanted. You're already uncomfortably aware of your singleness amongst all the other couples, but this is like salt on the wound! They're obviously too young to be married - this is definitely a date. You can't help but see them - they're right in front of you! You try to look away. You glance over once or twice. Soon you're just staring at them, envying them - or more specifically, her. You try to remember every reason why you believe dating is wrong, why waiting is right, why this is the path you've chosen, but all you can see is what's in front of you - and it's everything you don't have.

I'm not gonna date. I'm not gonna date. You tell yourself sternly. But it looks so great!

Hold up! Rewind! Did you catch it that time? What big mistake are you making in each of these scenes? If you think you've got it, leave a comment and I'll let you know in the next post (which I promise won't be as long in coming as this one was!).

Love y'all,
