Monday, November 22, 2010

Polar bears, milk, and snow?

Hello Ladies, It’s good to be back and writing again. College has made my life a little hectic these days. We’re currently on break so I thought I’d take the opportunity to write a post while I have the chance.

I’ve been looking into changing the color of my room. Currently, I have three lime green walls and one purple. I got to thinking about the symbolism and meanings behind colors as I contemplated what new shade to paint my room. I happened to look up what white stands for on and this is what I found…

Rare morally unblemished
Extremely clean and white
Very pure, honest, and moral

The Bible definition stated:
A symbol of purity

Have you ever thought about what is white? Snow. Milk. Polar Bears. Yes, Christmas is coming up soon so my mind is traveling to things associated with it haha. Okay, so not all of this is necessarily Christmas related, but they sure have to do with all things white!

Snow is a mysterious thing. It’s heavy, but it can fall lightly. It doesn’t really make a sound, unless stepped upon. It’s cold, but if you made a cave, you’d be warm in it.

And what about milk? A mother’s milk to her newborn child is the best food she could give him. There’s not impurities in it, it’s the perfect temperature, and it creates a special bond between mother and child.

Polar bears. Polar bears are strong creatures, all white except for their claws, nose, and eyes.

All of these things remind me of God and purity. He wants us to be pure, white as His snow. He wants us to be close to Him, a relationship set on intimacy, just as a mother and her child. Purity may seem something for those who are weak, but that’s simply not true. Anyone can choose to be impure, it take strength to be pure, just as a polar bear is strong.

As crazy as these examples may seem, they portray aspects of purity. Purity is gentle like a soft falling snow, it creates intimacy between us and our Father just as a mother and her child, and purity is not wimpy, it is strong just as polar bears emit strength. Purity isn’t just about the physical, it touches every aspect of our lives. Whether it is being pure like our Savior by not cheating on a test or whether it’s choosing to be nice to our friend even if they’ve not been treating us well, purity affects all sorts of decisions we make. As Christmas is getting closer and break will be coming soon, let’s focus on letting purity be the drive behind our thoughts and actions.

In Him,

Saturday, November 06, 2010

More News!

Did you say more news? Yes, I did! Recently, we got a makeover for the blog and Lydia joined our team of writers. We have one more exciting thing going on-we are now partnering with the blog, Lilies Among Thorns! LAT is dedicated to writing articles on godly living. You can check out more by going to their website:

After you've checked out LAT, look at Passion as well. HHTK isn't a partner of Passion, but we do support what they stand for.

So what are you waiting for? Go check out those sites!

Happy Fall!