Sunday, January 16, 2011

Love Like Jesus

It’s 2011 and that means it’s HeHoldsTheKey’s first anniversary (Okay, so we’re one day late in posting since we officially had our first article on the 15th, but hey, we’re close)! Thank you to all our faithful readers and supporters! Your encouragement means a lot. I have to say that we have not been the most consistent with updating our posts throughout 2010, but thank you for being patient with us! We’re hoping that 2011 will hold a more regular schedule. For this to happen, we need more writers for HeHoldsTheKey. So, if you’re interested in helping us out, be sure to email us and we’ll work from there!

Speaking of this new year, what are some goals you’ve made?

Every year I sit down and write out what I want my life to look like for the upcoming year. Along with little goals such as eating healthier, I also like to have one large goal or theme for the year. Last year’s goal was to serve wholeheartedly. This year, my goal is to love like Jesus.

I’ve been reading “Equipped to Love” by Norm Wakefield. It radically been changing the way I look at relationships. This book covers how we tend to look to others for our happiness. In reality, only Jesus can fulfill us, and when we look to human relationships to fit that bill we won’t ever find contentment.

Has this ever been the case for you when it comes to boys? Have you ever tried to make a guy fit Jesus’ spot? To make you happy? To make you feel good? To give you security? I know I have! When I do this, I’m shoving Jesus out of the drivers seat and stuffing a guy in His place.

Instead of looking to guys, or relationships in general, we have to set our eyes back on Jesus… and to love like Jesus. It’s impossible for us to fully love as Jesus loves because we are not God; that being said, we are capable of loving like Jesus. He’s given us the ultimate love letter, the Bible, to follow as a map on how to love as He loves us. As my good friend told me, we never have to lead and find the place to go, we only have to follow Him. God’s already got the blueprints of life and He has given us the Holy Spirit to direct us as we try and live like Him.

My challenge for you this year? To learn to love like Jesus. Follow His example. The journey may be difficult and it won’t happen overnight, but God will equip you with the tools you need to love as He loves. Learn to love guys out of a brotherly love, to see them as fellow travelers on the road to heaven instead of potential mates. I can assure you, when we let Jesus take the reins of our life and let Him be on the throne of our hearts, life is much more fulfilling!

“Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another about yourselves.” –Romans 12:9-10 (NIV)

Be blessed this 2011!
